
beruang kutub
3 min readOct 21, 2020
Banyuwangi, 2016 (Photo taken by me)

Hi, been a long time since I last write anything here. And here I am. Writing because of a challenge.

Here we go.

The first task of the day is to describe your own personality. Being human, I think there are a lot of personality that you can own.

This time, I just want to explore my biggest personality that I think describe me the most. That is one of the infamous seven deadly sins, the envy. You might wonder why do I pick this as personality that resembles me. So, let me tell you.

I always am a man of envy. Since I was a kid, there is no things that I did not want to have. Everytime I see toys or stuffs I do not have, my mind will always focus on those things for a long time. And this is getting worse because I am also a man of imaginations. When you are using your imagination, your brain will not stop. You keep thinking the way how to get what you want. Either the hardest way, or the easiest way. There will always be a way. How do I choose which way to get what I want? I don’t.

However, It is not stopping until there. This things not only happens with tangible items, but also to the intangibles. You know when you see another person, just a random person hanging around in the park, enjoying themselves. What do you feel about them? “Must be good to be able to just sit there relaxing”. That is what I thought. Maybe you as well.

Apart from envying something positive like I told you above, do you ever feel the other way around? I do. I also believe that I want to experience something bad, really bad. I envy someone who does not everything and want to experience the same thing. I want to feel how it is to be a person who cannot speak, cannot walk. I am curious how do people can live without everything that I have until now.

I know people saying that I am crazy. I always love it when I heard that. You know why? Because I am also envious of them. They are just amazing at the point I want to be them once. Well, maybe I am.

Stop with the bullshittery, to me envy is one of the strongest human nature that can be developed into something very beneficial. For one, I am someone who always measure my own strength and weakness. Then, compare these to others. What I am looking for is something that I do not have in me, like I said. No matter it is positive or negative by the normal people norm.

You know where that leads to? Everything. It changed me to where I am now. Being motivated by just a slight of thinking. Grateful of what I do and do not have. Curious of what the future held for me.

So what I want to say is, personality is something that everyone has, but not everybody can use. There is no bad or good personality, as long as you develop it for your own growth.

